yippee yippee! finali painted moi nails. heh... went for a manicure as b'day gift for myself frm myself. hah. itz juz a simple one cos i din make any appt n was lucky tat im not rejected n no need to wait too long for moi turn. =)
previous nailart: nail stuffs collection @ Pinkz 55
n this is it:
previous nailart: nail stuffs collection @ Pinkz 55
n this is it:
was shopping halfway @ PS then i saw this manicure shop 'the good earth nail spa' decided to go for a try. so i ask mrlim can i go do moi nails. heehee... n he agreed. of cos he is gg out later wif his frds so i juz go myself. =)
on moi righty:
n i lurve this color. itz: princess rule. erm... actuali im not sure itz Princesses Rule or Princess Rule. heh... anw, i wana get this color. ^_^
the nailart:
i had the nailart drawn on both of moi thumbs. this time i had express mani, din cut moi cuticles. n for express mani ters free 2 nailart.
total spending @ the good earth nail spa is $47 (express mani is $12 + classic pedicure $35). the svc is not bad can gif it a try. =)
for moi toes:
alritey... thanks for viewing! cheerios!