i LURVE it... i LURVE it... haahaa... reali love moi current nailart. ^_^ i had been veri careful after i had done, not to spoil it in a short time. heh... n oso this post gona be quite a long one. =P
previous nailart: hearts mania @ Pinkz 51
intro-ing moi fave nailart:
ah pink star is this nailart name. heehee... itz actuali oso moi IGN for audition. =) influence by moi bro to play this game. was tinking to paint this nailart on moi AhPinkStar =P
more pix on ah pink star:
quite alot of stuffs used in this ah pink star. pink-o de gallo as base + TFS white as tips + la pazitively hot as spots + TFS black to outline the spots + white & pink stones + lastly, gold beads.
hehheh... duno y this pix turns out like this juz now when i uploaded. =P
on moi righty:
this time for this nailart, i find tat moi righty is better than moi lefty. =D each fingers got a white stone + 2 gold beads. oni moi ring fingers got extra 2 smaller pink stones. =)
additional pix:
reali lurve it... got the jap feel LOL haahaa.... i wanted to take pix wif both hands but cant take it clearly so with the help of 'moi someone'
in chinese terz a sentence: 慢功出细活
1 more for moi toes:
i did 'princess red' + 2 pink pearls on big toes oni to go wif ahpinkstar =) 1st time diy french on toes.
so mani pix for this post =P thanks for viewing! cheerios ^_^Labels: french, nailart