previous nailart: a swatch on Windy City Pretty & Heart Throb @ Pinkz 23. n now im gonna present JH another 'gift'.
coming up a 'gift' for moi bud:
bouquet of flowers on moi nails for ya! hehheh. name of this nailart: bouquet of flowers. hmm moi acrylic painting on nails is stil amateurish so oni can draw simple simple stuffs. heh. i wana draw bells but i duno how so i draw flowers for ya =)
more pix on bouquet of flowers:
colors used: OPI Heart Throb as base + acrylic white/red/yellow as flowers. 3 flowers on each fingers ~ 2 red flowers & 1 white flower, yellow as centre dot. i wana laugh @ myself. cos even thu i oni drew the flowers on moi lefty oni moi thumb look the nicest. heehee.
this pix is to show tat i can oni manage to draw on moi lefty. moi right oni haf Heart Throb. u tink i failed? cos i din draw the flowers on all the ten fingers? hehheh this pix looks farni. liked 2 hands wana pouch each other. hah.
n this is the pix which i followed the flowers arrangement:
i oni knew i wana draw flowers but i need an idea on how the flowers to be arranged. n i found this pix. =)okiess tatz all for Pinkz 24. thanks for viewing ^_^ n JH when we met up i sure pass ya ur real gift. hehheh. enjoy urself! cheerios! =)
Labels: nailart