nxt is wat as i had mentioned in the laz post i wana show moi fave diy design:
for this diy i named it: glam glam. suitable name? cos i had some crystal stones on this design n the results were gr8. itz super shiny. heh, n itz can be re-use =) the base colors: heart throb. tips: TFS white. dots: CC glitter galore & ended up wif crystal stones. look familiar wif sassy princess? but the tips n base color r different. this is another of moi fave.
nxt up:

name of this design: polka dots tips. 1st time trying out polka dots design. i tink i can improve more. base colors: nomads dream. tips: god save the queen's nails. polka dots: TFS white. for the dots i used the back of a toothpick. i din control well on the amt of paint to be dotted so each & every polka dots look uneven. after i had done this design, itz gave me a feeling like a mushroom. or itz look like moi nails havin chicky box. hah. anyways, i wil do this design again wif other colors =)