me tinking of trying out new colors so for this design i apply different color for different layers. n the name for this design is: d' mixture. the 1st layer which is the base color: pink-o de gallo. the 2nd layer i used: significant other color. the result IMO itz quite alrite cos @ least i can see a pink base for significant other color shade. significant other color shd shd be little more 'darker' ^o^
name for this diy design: d' mixture french. heh i used the d' mixture (above pix) n used the nailart pen in white to paint the white tips =D abit diffcult to paint the white tips cos the nailart pen brush was not in good shape :p
nxt up:
name of this diy: barbie. heh this is one of moi fave diy nail design. base color: cozu melted in the sun. 2nd color: pink-o de gallo and 3d flower in blue :) i still remember tat i did this nailart b4 gg back to sg. hah i wore this design back to sg n went for a wedding dinner ^_^
ahh itzit tat each post ters a limit of pix tat could be uploaded :S cos it cant show anymore pix in this post. so cya at Pinkz 9. cheerios!